Put It On a T-Shirt BPM Key The Vaccines | Put It On a T-Shirt
Disc Number 1 Track Number 1 Duration 3:51 Duration Ms 231266 Time Signature 4/4 Song Key A Tempo 136.9830 Round Tempo 137 Popularity 56 Danceability 0.4310 Energy 0.7510 Acousticness 0.0008 Instrumentalness 0.0000 Liveness 0.1870 Valence 0.4610 Speechiness 0.0352 Loudness -4.5050 Release Date 2018-03-02

Listen Put It On a T-Shirt The Vaccines | Put It On a T-Shirt on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/5xlua05eG74eezRuBthgSc
Find tempo, duration, time signature and key at https://www.chords.tv/key-bpm/track/5xlua05eG74eezRuBthgSc
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